четверг, 27 августа 2009 г.

How to choose qualitative plastic windows

So, the first element of a plastic window - Pvc a profile. For today in Russia various kinds of a window profile are offered many. All of them are made also in Russia (or in territory of the former USSR). Exceptions here are not present, as the pvc profile (an essence of plastic arts) in itself costs not much, but takes very much a lot of place at transportation … Therefore, when speak about "german" pvc a profile, really means that the Russian manufacture works under the licence and technology …

And certainly, on quality of this plastic depends much - it can be for example fragile, unstable to a frost, differences of temperatures, to lose colour on the sun etc.. Great value the thickness of external walls of a profile (has also than 3 mm. not less for Russia) and their uniformity, other design features of a ready profile, as for example number of air chambers, etc.

So one of the best window profiles in Russia today is the profile "VEKA".

Profile VEKA is one of the best window profiles The excellent qualitative, plastic profile and therefore with it works so many the Petersburg manufacturers of windows.

However, at all importance of pvc of a profile is only plastic. By and large, it is possible to take average quality a profile and to make of it magnificent window, and it is possible to take a profile "VEKA" and to collect a window so that it will not work even year. Therefore the known name which has recommended of a profile it is final well, but nevertheless it is not necessary to attach it prevailing significance.

As well the quantity of air chambers (three, five or even more) in a profile actually cannot be serious argument at a choice of a plastic window - the plastic area essentially (in tens times) is less than glass area and consequently all "blow" of a cold takes up double-glazed window instead of a profile.

And what then it is important?

Each plastic window is strengthened reinforced) inside by metal (therefore windows actually carry the name metallo-plastic). We will notice here that the weight of an opening shutter of a window with two-chamber (in three glasses) a double-glazed window can make more than 70 kg. (!!!). Certainly, no plastic will keep this weight. In general, a frame to fasten in a window aperture and loops are held by window shutters, and all it does not fall off and does not droop at the expense of metal. An aesthetics and design of a profile it is good, but you after all would like, that your windows were not only beautiful, but reliable! And so, that all it has been made for people, as the amplifier (reinforcing) of a window, the pipe of the closed square section should be applied.

Reinforcing of a window by a full square These are four edges of rigidity. Such geometry in a combination to a special steel allows to achieve excellent static indicators and to avoid unpleasant surprises of "sagging" of a shutter.

And still very often manufacturers of windows save on quality, strengthening a profile of a frame of a window for example a pipe "П" - figurative section:

Window reinforcing by an incomplete square It as a matter of fact only two edges of rigidity. If thus to save on quality of the metal and a thickness of walls …

To a word to notice - some kinds of a window profile are made so that physically do not provide possibility of high-grade reinforcing by a square pipe. But - in general, it is possible certainly and to go in the winter on snow in gym shoes, and a shaky window to open as seldom as possible, or not to open at all …
Conclusion : strengthening of a window by metal - is very important.

Accessories. Very important.

The accessories are actually mechanics of all plastic window. If at old wooden windows you had one or two handles and pair of loops, here a mechanics (besides metal!) should be located on all perimetre of an opening shutter. Turn of the unique handle you force to slide mechanics difficult elements (all teeth, castors, pushers, etc.) on all perimetre of a shutter and in regular intervals with effort to press a shutter to a frame not less than in five - six points above, below, at the left and on the right. It besides - in an ideal.
Plastic windows - manufacture in St.-Petersburg, Russia.

Certainly - from quality of metal of which the accessories are made, from quality of its technology, on correct assemblage and a complete set depends very much and much. The weak poor-quality accessories will start to fray you nerves to (break) already a year or two from now. It is possible to refer certainly to tens years of a guarantee, but - you understand, practically always at contracts there is such point as misuse under which it is possible to bring anything you like (and what for you so often and sharply opened the new plastic window!). Therefore probably it is better to receive at once the qualitative goods, which in itself and is your best guarantee. After all even on quality of a simple fastener - of "lightning" and rivets in clothes depends - will how much long serve to you a thing.

From our point of view, one of the best marks offered for today of types of window accessories, are German "Siegenia-Aubi".

SIEGENIA-AUBI makes window accessories in Germany in the earth Northern Rhine-Westphalia more than 130 years.

It is the chromeplated accessories of silvery colour (a three-layer anticorrosive covering: zinced, chromium plating, a covering wax at molecular level) is much better, unlike anodized (metal of yellowish colour) transfers our uneasy weather conditions and as a whole quality is notable above. However cost of the plastic window collected with application "SIEGENIA" will be for 15-30 dollars above, than with accessories more poor quality. Therefore - choose.

By the way, usually from all window only the accessories, owing to the dearness and are the small sizes imported and are not made directly in Russia.

Besides, it is not enough to choose good accessories, it is necessary to receive as a result that quantity of this valuable product which is necessary, and not in cut down the house-keeper - a variant. I.e., to you can complete a window from a good profile with good accessories, but - it is incomplete. As a result the good becomes primary a window the bad.

Important - the accessories should "lie" in a profile of an opening shutter practically on all perimetre , and accessories clips should be distributed also in regular intervals on all perimetre (for a balcony door for example - not less than six). The window should be closed softly and without the big efforts.

Windows with the "cut down" accessories now very often put the unfair window companies not only for private customers, but also in new under construction houses when in general a little that depends on desire of the future owner of apartment. The company the builder receives additional money for on an essence factory marriage and the unfortunate owner of such "double-glazed windows" should buy again in the autumn an adhesive tape for pasting of windows.

Support of your window :

To facilitate work of accessories and to unload heavy window shutters, we will necessarily complete each your window with the special device - the microlift which supports a shutter from below in the closed and cast away condition. What is THE MICROLIFT ? Any even ideally collected and faultlessly established window shutter in due course can start to sag under own weight which quite often exceeds 70 kg. ! Thanks to the microlift loading of a massive double-glazed window on loops and other elements of accessories essentially decreases, the shutter at closing does not hit about a frame, and is softly gone on a special platform.

We protect from errors :

We also will necessarily establish for your plastic windows BLOCKING of WRONG OPENING. Blocking of wrong opening prevents erroneous turn of the handle at an open shutter that the window or a door have not hung on one loop (that can put them out of action).

To breaking is not present! :

As a base option angular transfer VSU S-ES and a plate against breaking, create in the bottom corner of a window from outside handles reliable protection. Against the breaking, regulated on a clip the pin maintains loading on rupture to 1500 kg., and function against breaking of a lower corner of a frame from outside handles remains even at the cast away shutter.

And for a balcony door the latch (that the door could be slammed a push and it did not stir abroach a draught) and the handle-petal from door lateral aspect (that was for what to undertake and притворить a door being outside) will not prevent.

Considerable value has and quality of a double-glazed window . Glass should be the higher polishing, free of defects and the double-glazed window is absolutely tight. Any dust, a dust and a condensate in a double-glazed window with time current it is not supposed.

The Sealant windows should be executed from quality rubber, and in any way - from polymer. Elasticity of rubber and firmness to aggressive environmental conditions and also its configuration will provide to you almost lifelong guarantee from draughts.

And at last - quality of installation . These are 50 more % of success. At desire it is possible to establish a magnificent plastic window so that in its autumn again it is necessary to stick with an adhesive tape and any adjustments of accessories a situation already not to correct. It is enough to admit a level deviation at frame installation of all on some millimetres: a draught, jamming of accessories and its subsequent failure, as a result - new replacement of a plastic window.

Therefore experience and qualification of assemblers, an application condition only professional materials plays a role not less, than quality and a complete set of the window.

So all assemblers of our company without fail pass the qualified training and certification in IRIW "Inter-regional Institute of the Window" Russia that guarantees high quality professional installation. And rather not out of place will ask the organisation establishing to you windows - whether there have passed experts certification in "Inter-regional Institute of the Window" St.-Petersburg (Scientifically research Training the Industrial Center) or you should deal with nonprofessionals.

It is rather desirable, that all complex of works was spent only by one brigade of experts possessing for this purpose corresponding qualification and experience, rather than a chain of the builders following one after another within several days: dismantle, assemblers, then "dressers" and т.п. it is clear that in this case of work will be conducted more accurately and qualitatively at each stage, rather than in case responsibility is divided on the several executors who do not have sufficient qualification and knowledge for carrying out of all complex of works "on a turn-key basis". Thus work time is reduced about one working day and you do not have necessity within a week to observe building dust and different groups of builders in the apartment.

it is not so good, if to you suggest to pay off independently "on a place" with "a brigade of dressers". In that case usually there is "an awkward" situation when "guys have tried", is found out that "additional works" have been spent, not provided by the contract and "it would be necessary to add....." . Really it also relieves firm-service provider of responsibility and for quality of installation of windows and quality of painting and decorating - you have as though paid a guarantee to firm only for windows, and those гастарбайтеры that finished to you wall slopes have already safely decreased on the historical native land.

it is clear that the manufacturer can fine save on all things described above. It can save on you, on quality and comfort of the further life of your family. Therefore, if only you do not hold the opinion that the the goods are cheaper, the it and is better - attentively study - what exactly to you offer, differently there is a risk instead of an old wooden window to receive a new metallo-plastic window similar on quality. We after all not so are rich to buy cheap things.


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